Another definition to Holistic Health (Holistic Medicine) is as follows: Holistic Health Medicine is a personal and comprehensive approach to natural health and the manifestation of human potential through healing and evolving spirit, mind, emotion and body. The practitioner may use any variety of natural healing suggestions to work in partnership with an individual toward greater health, wholeness, balance and integration. This approach to health recognizes the patient as a whole person, not just a disease or a collection of symptoms. In the course of treatment, holistic medical practitioners address a client's emotional and spiritual dimensions as well as the nutritional, environmental and lifestyle factors that may contribute to an illness.
While we must use common sense in applying new techniques to enrich our lives and wellbeing here is a list of some of the forms of therapy that are used within the holistic health concept.
Acupuncture is a 5,000 year-old medical practice which alleviates pain and increases immune response by balancing the flow of vital life energy throughout the body. It is a system of encouraging the body to promote natural healing and to improve functioning by inserting very fine needles at precise acupuncture points. This classical Chinese healing practice balances the flow of the body's energy through channels called meridians. When these meridians become obstructed, giving rise to symptoms of pain and illness, the insertion of needles restores health by balancing the flow of energy. Acupuncture is used to relieve symptoms of numerous conditions as well as to promote general health and well being.
Essential oils distilled from flowers, leaves, stems, roots or fruits are used to therapeutically address physiological and psychological issues such as anxiety, depression and muscular tension, infections, skin disorders, immune deficiencies and symptoms of stress. Oils are inhaled from vaporizers, massaged into the skin or placed in baths. When inhaled or absorbed, the molecules stimulate receptors in the brain which then trigger a signal in the limbic system, which in turn, influence the release of hormones and neurochemicals, bringing about the desired effect.
This term refers to therapies such as massage, deep tissue manipulation, movement awareness, and energy balancing - a general collection of modalities, all of which improve the structure and functioning of the human body. They may or may not involve physical touch, but they all facilitate the body's own healing response. Bodywork in all its forms helps to reduce pain, soothe injured muscles, stimulate blood and lymphatic circulation and promote deep relaxation. See individual practitioners and specific definitions for more detailed information.
This method is marked by its focus on the breath. The practitioner guides the client through a breathing process. Breathwork rejuvenates the body and mind and can release emotional memories that are stored in the body. It is also used to reach deep inner peace, clarity, relaxation and healing on many levels.
Chinese (Oriental) Medicine
Oriental Medical Practitioners are trained to use a variety of ancient and modern therapeutic methods - including acupuncture, herbal medicine, massage, moxibustion (heat therapy) and nutritional and lifestyle counseling - to treat a broad range of both chronic and acute illnesses.
Chiropractic returns the body to balance through adjustments of the spine and joints, normalizing joint motion, reducing nerve interference, relieving stress and restoring normal body function. Whenever there is a system containing many movable parts, a complex balance is necessary between those parts. Chiropractors influence the body's nervous system and natural defense mechanisms in order to alleviate pain and improve general health. Because of its effectiveness in treating back problems, headaches and other injuries and traumas, chiropractic has become the second largest primary health care field in the world.
Complementary Healing (Complementary Medicine)
The use of natural and other alternative approaches which complement the practice of conventional medicine (old viewpoint) or the use of approaches which are complementary to the system's own innate healing processes (new viewpoint).
Detoxification/Cleansing Programs
These programs are the natural response to our constant exposure to toxic chemicals and pollutants found in earth's atmosphere, water, food and soil. Detoxification has been used to treat a variety of symptoms, including decreased immune function, neurotoxicity, hormonal dysfunction, allergies, arthritis, psychological disturbances and even cancer. Detoxification therapy seeks to restore optimum health by eliminating or neutralizing toxins via the liver, the kidneys, the urine, the feces, exhalation and perspiration - helping to rid the body of chemicals and pollutants and facilitating a return to health.
Practitioners of this range of therapies find blockages or stagnations in the energy field in and around the body and restore its proper circulation and balance, stimulating the body's innate healing capacity. The practitioner uses subtle touch or holding on specific points to harmonize the flow of energy through the body and to enhance the body's structural balance. Energywork is effective in promoting the healing of many conditions and promoting well-being on all levels. Some types of energy work are Acupuncture, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Polarity Therapy, Reiki. See individual practitioners and specific definitions for more detailed information.
Feng Shui
Feng Shui (pronounced fung schway) is the Chinese philosophy, practice of, and spiritual approach to architecture and interior design. Feng Shui can be used to enhance your environment (home and office) and its impact on your physical and spiritual well-being.
Herbal Medicine is the therapeutic use of plants, and is the most ancient form of health care known to humankind. An herb is a plant or plant part valued for its medicinal, savory or aromatic qualities. Herb plants produce and contain a variety of chemical substances that act upon the body. Herbs have been used to treat virtually every disease and condition. The use of herbology ranges from pain relievers, hormone balancers, energizers, sleep aids, stomach soothers, skin soothers, and treatment of everything from allergies to cancer, from depression to hysteria. Herbs are used for both prevention and treatment.
Homeopathy (Homeopathic Medicine)
Homeopathy is a system of medicine that uses highly diluted doses from the plant, mineral and animal kingdoms to stimulate natural defenses in the body. Homeopathic remedies are based on the theory that "like cures like," and uses remedies that cause symptoms of a certain illness in one who is healthy in order to stimulate the body's natural defenses to heal those same symptoms in one who is ill. The word homeopathy comes from the Greek word 'homeos' meaning similar, and 'pathos' meaning suffering.
A homeopath will take a detailed medical history (including physical and emotional symptoms) from a client, and then tailor remedies to heal the symptoms. It is particularly effective in treating chronic illnesses that fail to respond to conventional treatment.
Jin Shin Jyutsu ®
Jin Shin JyutsuÃ’ physio-philosophy is an ancient art of harmonizing the life energy in the body. Jin Shin Jyutsu brings balance to the body's energies, which promotes optimal health and well-being, and facilitates our own profound healing capacity. It is a valuable complement to conventional healing methods, inducing relaxation, and reducing the effects of stress. Jin Shin Jyutsu can be applied as self-help and also by a trained practitioner. It is a gentle art, practiced by placing the fingertips on designated safety energy locks, to harmonize and restore the energy flow. This facilitates the reduction of tension and stress, which accumulate through normal daily living. For those of us addressing existing stress or health disharmonies, or for those simply wishing to participate actively in maintaining health, harmony and well-being, the Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu is a simple and powerful tool, available to all.
Magnetic Therapy
Practitioners of this therapy use negative magnetic fields which have a beneficial effect on health. By placing magnets near or on an injury site, a force field is created that encourages muscle relaxation and increased blood flow, while reducing inflammation. Devices range from small, simple magnets to large machines capable of generating high magnitudes of field strength.
Massage Therapy
This is a general term covering a variety of disciplines for the manipulation of soft tissue for therapeutic purposes - Swedish, Shiatsu, trigger point, neuromuscular - with roots in both Eastern and Western cultures. Massage improves the function of the body's connective tissues and/or muscles. Among conditions alleviated by massage are whiplash, low back and neck pain, and degenerative diseases such as multiple sclerosis. It involves the practice of kneading or otherwise manipulating muscles or other soft tissue with the intent of increasing circulation and detoxification, reducing physical and emotional stress and increasing general wellness.
Meditation is an easy and simple way to balance a person's physical, emotional, and mental states. It is easily learned and has been used as an aid in treating stress, anxiety, pain management, and as part of an overall treatment for other conditions including hypertension and heart disease. Research shows that meditation decreases the heart rate, respiratory rate, oxygen consumption, and even decreases blood pressure.
Mind / Body Medicine
Recognizing the profound interconnection of mind and body, the body's innate healing capabilities and the role of self-responsibility in the healing process, mind/body medicine utilizes a wide range of modalities, including biofeedback imagery, hypnotherapy, meditation and yoga.
Music & Healing
Music and rhythm are natural to all of us. We take our minds off our worries and release our daily concerns when we focus on even the simplest rhythms. Muscles relax and joy and pleasure take the place of tension.
Natural Foods
This term generally refers to food or food products which are minimally processed and remain as close as possible to their whole, original state. Because they are less tampered with, natural foods are generally more nutritious than their refined counterparts.
Naturopathy (Naturopathic Medicine)
Naturopathic Medicine, a primary health-care system, treats health conditions by utilizing the body's inherent ability to heal. Naturopathic physicians aid the healing process by incorporating a variety of alternative methods based on the patient's individual needs - nutrition, herbal medicine, homeopathic medicine and oriental medicine. Diet, lifestyle, work and personal history are all considered when determining regimen.
Organically grown products (food, cotton, hemp) are grown without artificial fertilizers or pesticides. Instead, organic growers use composted fertilizer and natural pest management to produce healthy crops. Since there are no chemicals involved in the production, these products cause fewer allergic reactions in the consumer. Because composted or natural fertilizer contains more minerals, the food produced organically has more nutrients.
Psychotherapy - Body Oriented
Body-Oriented Psychotherapy seeks to enhance the psychotherapeutic process by incorporating a range of massage, bodywork and movement techniques. Acknowledging the mind/body link, practitioners may use light touch, softer deep-tissue manipulation, breathing techniques, movement, exercise or body-awareness techniques to help address emotional issues.
Reiki is the practice of transmitting healing energy through the hands, based on simple, ancient healing techniques. Reiki uses specific hand positions, on or above parts of the body that correspond to the major organs and energy centers, such as the heart or adrenal glands. Because the purpose of Reiki is to increase your own self-healing powers, it is helpful for any sort of ailment - physical, mental or emotional. Reiki is used to heal everything from stress and simple skin rashes to migraine headaches and cancer pain. It is also effective in conjunction with psychotherapy for people who have experienced emotional trauma or for personal growth.
Shamanic Healing
Shamanic Healers are conductors of healing energy or energy from the spiritual realm. Calling upon spiritual "helpers" such as power animals, angels, inner teachers, the client's higher self or other spiritual forces. Shamanic Healing is used as treatment for a range of emotional and physical illnesses.
The most widely known form of acupressure, shiatsu has been used in Japan for many years to treat pain and illness and to maintain health. Using a series of techniques, practitioners apply rhythmic finger pressure at specific points on the body to stimulate chi, or vital energy.
Tai Chi
A series of meditative and self-healing movements based on Chinese teachings over 6,000 years old, Tai Chi literally translates to "The Grand Ultimate Way of Life" as taught through movement. Also a Martial Art, Tai Chi is generally practiced as a non-contact, non-competitive sport for focus, self-awareness, health and relaxation. The slow, rhythmic movements are very effective in returning the skeletal structure, muscles and organs to their natural alignment.
Vibrational Healing
Practitioners of Vibrational Healing use a variety of modalities to promote healing by balancing the client's energy field. Such modalities may include homeopathy, flower essences, acupuncture and energywork such as Reiki and Polarity Therapy.
Yoga means "union" and aims at the realization of the unity of our whole being. Usually taught as a sequence of poses and breath exercises. The spine nourishes the central nervous system and the condition of the spine is critical for our physical and emotional well being. Yoga postures exercise the spine and stimulate the lymphatic system, helping to remove toxins from the body, which, if allowed to accumulate, may cause pain and stiffness in the muscles and joints. The physical postures, breathing exercises and meditation practices of yoga have been proven to reduce stress, lower blood pressure, regulate heart rate, and even retard the aging process.
Overall Holistic Health care can be seen as a philosophy which seeks to achieve balance and harmony and to promote well being by attending to elements of life such as emotional, spiritual and physical health as well as lifestyle. Many of the therapys listed above can be explored in the comfort of your own home.
To Your Health,
1 comment:
Now THAT'S a list! One of them was totally new to me: Jin Shin Jyutsu. I've tried several methods of holistic health care from this list. It's nice to see them gathered and described. Thank you!
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