Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Road Trip to Texas

Well here I am in Texas. Our whole family, daughters, son-in-laws,son,grandchildren have all come to Texas for a Heffernan family reunion.

It is a 1400 mile trip from home in Iowa. We did it in 2 days which was fast considering we have lots of little ones in our caravan.

I hope to send some pictures tomorrow however my Internet connection is not the best. I am practicing my "go with the flow" technique. I have a friend that reminds me from time to time "don't try to paddle upstream, you will get tired." So far it seems to be working, with the exception of the last few hours on the road before we arrived. Everyone was grumpy and ready to get out of the vehicles. I was determined that they all "go with the flow" and I think you all know how that worked out. Ha Ha. So I get reminded again its all about your own personal journey.

To your own natural gait,

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